Forge Alliances and Rule the Stars

Step into a universe where your imagination knows no bounds. Build, explore, and conquer in a vast, immersive galaxy. Whether youโ€™re forming alliances or engaging in epic space battles, your journey through the stars is uniquely yours. Create your own destiny in a universe where possibilities are endless.

Cutting-Edge Server Tech

Our custom-build server software provides a smooth, reliable gameplay experience for millions of simultaneous users.

Next Generation VFX

Using next generation technologies such as Nanite and Lumen, we provide users with an immersive and believable environment.

Realistic, high-performance physics engine

Horizon’s high performance physics engine codenamed Graviton allows us to simulate real-time large scale physics events seamlessly

We support open source!

Open-source software is integral to our projects and tools. We believe it is our duty to give back to the community that generously provides these resources. One way we do this is by actively writing, maintaining, and contributing to open-source software, including the community edition of the Horizon game server.



Horizon Sidecar is designed to facilitate high-speed client-side processing of complex data before it is sent off to the server side. This help reduce both consumed bandwidth, and server load while also allowing providing a space for more intensive game mechanics to run quickly, and efficiently.

Horizon Sidecar also allows for starting a standalone Horizon Game server instance in the background on your own PC for singleplayer or LAN playmodes


The backbone of our Stars Beyond infrastructure, Horizon Server ensures smooth and stable gameplay for all players. With plans to open-source this software in the near future we hope to give players and creators the scalable game server they deserve to have.

Horizon Server is designed to run instances of itself to manage the “Regionsโ€ of the game. Each server communicates with the other Horizon instances via specialized instances called “Atlas” servers. The job of the Atlas instances is to serve as a reference for the standard instances to talk to on the rare occasion they need to interact with a player outside their directly connected group of players.


Welcome to Horizon Atlas, the master server software for the Horizon game server architecture. Horizon Atlas serves as the central hub linking multiple Horizon instances together, ensuring a seamless and interconnected gaming experience across geographically distributed servers.

Horizon Atlas is designed to maintain the entire combined game state, while individual Horizon instances manage local game states for directly connected players. This architecture allows for seamless travel between in-game regions with no loading screens, providing players with a continuous and immersive experience.